Income tax planning | Von Keller &Co.
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Income tax planning

The importance of tax planning: Income tax rules and regulations are constantly changing, and often represent the most complex area of business and personal financial planning. Individuals and families should work closely with their advisors to understand how their investments will impact their tax positions, as well as any ongoing reporting requirements throughout the world.

Planning for the private business: Effective tax planning may contribute to the business’ success as the business moves through its life cycle from start-up through growth, maturity, sale or ownership transition by gift or inheritance. Tax planning can enhance the relative benefit of these business and stakeholder interactions.

Succeeding in tax controversies: If the Internal Revenue Service or state authorities come knocking on your door, do you know what to expect, how the process will play out, and what the likely outcomes will be? In today’s tax controversy climate, it is more important than ever to understand the important steps of the tax controversy process. Regardless of where an examination starts, the tax controversy process requires careful planning from onset to resolution.

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