Tell me more about a single family office? | Von Keller &Co.
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Tell me more about a single family office?

Single-Family Office Structure

Dealing with the ultra-wealthy, single-family offices are unique in their setup and structure, as they are entirely driven by the needs of the family. When it comes to the staffing procedures for a single-family office, keep in mind this number differs greatly among all entities. Some start with one or two employees managing the family’s affairs, and over time may grow to have more than 50 employees. Again, there is no set number, as it depends entirely on the specific desires of the family or individual. 

Single-family office talent often extends to:

– Private Lawyers
– Fund Managers 
– Tax  & Trust Specialists
– Accounting & Financial experts
– Real Estate Professionals 
– Investment Due Diligence & Research Professionals
– Luxury Goods Oversight
– Senior Bankers
– Executive Assistants 

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