What are the trustee’s duties? | Von Keller &Co.
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What are the trustee’s duties?

The trustee is the person who is responsible for all aspects of the administration of a trust. The primary duties of any trustee are twofold: (1) to prudently invest and protect the assets of the trust, and (2) to make distributions to the trust beneficiaries according to the terms of the trust agreement. If desirable, more than one individual may be named to serve as co-trustee. Some individuals will name a family member or friend as the primary or alternate trustee. However, other individuals do not have family members or friends that they feel could (or should) take on this role. In such event, it may make sense to name a qualified bank or trust company to undertake this responsibility. The trustee is required to act in the best interest of the trust beneficiaries. This duty of loyalty is known as fiduciary duty, and it places a very high (and legally enforceable) standard of care and expectations upon the trustee.

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